Troys Trivia

Welcome to my trivia!!!

The answers will be at the home page.But Dont Cheat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

1. What is my middle name?  A.Lachlaun B.Squarepants C.Woods

2. How much money do i get payed a week? A. $5 B. $10 C $2.50

3.What colour hair am I? A Black. B.Blondish Blackish C. Blonde

4I have 3 pets.What is my pet combanation? A. cat cat cat dog cat C. dog dog dog

5. My Brothers name is? A. Shay B.bob C. Shea

6. Is my room... A. Tidy. B. Messy C.In the middle?

7.My mum is a banker. Where does she work? A. BNZ B. the national bank.C. ANZ

8.What is my Nanas Name?  A.Jenny B.Elizibith C I dont have one!

9. One of these was one of my teachers. Which one? A Mr Worboys B. Mrs Hatcher C.Mrs McCarthy

10. Did i used to have... A. two rats B. a cow C.2 dogs

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